Gasar Nill Tonic

Use Of Gasar Nill Tonic :

Gasar Nill is a complete ayurvedic remedy for gastrointestinal disorders that are made from 100 percent natural ingredients. It acts as an antacid, as well as a gastric and digestive tonic, to help the body’s metabolism get back on track.
Hyperacidity, constipation, flatulence, vomiting, anorexia, dyspepsia, bleaching epigastric pain, hypercholesterolemia, and other digestive disorders can all be helped with this supplement.
It enhances digestive health by stimulating stomach enzymes and encouraging regular bowel movements. It neutralises stomach acid and reduces acid reflux symptoms right away.


How to Use Gasar Nill Tonic :

Adults: 2 teaspoons twice daily after meals
Children: 1 teaspoon twice daily after meals


Gasar Nill Tonic


Key Ingredients :

Kutki :

Kutki is a plant that aids digestion and helps you live a healthier life. Consumption of kutki can help with bowel motions, constipation, and excessive gas generation. The kutki plant also contains laxative effects that help with constipation, nausea, and vomiting.

Bhringraj :

Bhringraj has a lot of properties that help the gastrointestinal system work better. Digestion, absorption, assimilation, and waste excretion are all aided by the digestive and carminative qualities. It also helps to avoid gastric ulcers, heartburn, abdominal discomfort, nausea, and other stomach problems.

Kalmegh :

Kalmegh’s laxative effects aid in the removal of faeces, which helps to enhance digestion. It’s also choleretic, which means it assists with digestion by increasing the characteristics of bile and causing a significant rise in bile flow.

Giloy :

Due to its Pachan (digestive) characteristics, Giloy aids in the reduction of digestion-related issues such as indigestion, hyperacidity, and gas.

Punarnava :

Punarnava juice’s laxative properties may assist control gastrointestinal issues including constipation by encouraging bowel movements. It also helps to relieve flatulence and stomach pain. Punarnava helps to improve digestion and weight management by decreasing hunger.


Benefits of Gasar Nill Tonic :


Side Effects :

The majority of side effects are minor and will go away as your body adjusts to the medication. If they don’t go away or you’re concerned about them, see your doctor.


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